In our puppet-making workshops, children can acquire various puppet techniques through making a simple puppet related to Bóbita's performance. They can also create our mascot figure, the Winged Pig, and during the festive seasons (Advent, Christmas, Carnival, Easter) some additional crafts opportunities are available, such as creating a Nativity manger, carnival masks or Easter decorations.

The packages used in the sessions can also be purchased in the fairy-tale shop and the puppets can also be made at home or the packages are presented as a gift!

A kézműves foglalkozásokat Aranyosi Szilvia vezeti, ő tervezi meg és készíti elő a gyermekek által is könnyen megalkotható bábokat. 

A foglalkozások időtartama 45-60 perc

Available dates:

- for kindergarten and school groups every morning and afternoon from Monday to Thursday, by appointment arranged previously
- families and individual visitors as a part of the puppet shows on Saturday afternoon, From 5 p.m.

Ticket price for puppet-making sessions:
2000 Ft

Contact persons:

Judit Kiefer
+36/72/210-301, +36/20/929-2158