
(pöttömszínház november 23-án, 10 órakor)


The Stone Heart
(november 23-án, 16 órakor)

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From November 25th to December 24th, we will play our show „The Lost Christmas Candy” with a new cast! 

From December 1, Let’s go to Betlehem! will also be shown in a new cast. 

In addition to the above, we are waiting for our viewers with a guest performance called Pig and Goose and a puppet-making session on December 16 at 4 p.m.

On December 28-29-30, we are waiting for the audience with the programs of the Winged Pig Days!

This year, the traditional puppet New Year’s party has grown to 3 days: every day we welcome children and adults with varied programs. We are preparing puppet shows, puppet-making workshops, concerts and performances for toddlers, preschoolers and elementary school children, and adults with a puppet panopticon, as well as a performance and concert for them. There will be a raffle draw as well!

Let’s say goodbye to the New Year together!


Lorem Ispum:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec ex tempor tellus congue tincidunt. Nulla consequat sapien purus. Donec egestas pellentesque ligula in congue. Suspendisse molestie velit eros, id aliquam sem vehicula sit amet. Phasellus nisl tellus, volutpat nec magna eget, venenatis mollis libero. Quisque consectetur ipsum non justo vulputate pretium. Quisque eu arcu in massa pulvinar dictum.

Nulla varius ante sed purus tincidunt, in eleifend dolor hendrerit. Donec turpis purus, eleifend lacinia commodo quis, accumsan fermentum nulla. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras finibus facilisis ex, in lacinia felis mollis vel. Phasellus enim est, porttitor et molestie a, auctor ac nunc. Aenean ultricies vitae arcu quis pharetra. Quisque ut metus vitae orci ultrices pretium. Donec nunc orci, aliquet non viverra a, porta quis sapien. In eu sem felis.


Bóbita Puppet Theatre
Pécs 7626, Felsővámház str. 50.