For children over 5 years of age

Stage adaptation based on popular nativity plays by Melinda Papp

Consultant: Gábor Sramó, Tamás Czigány

Designed by Ágota Matyi

The puppets and sets were made by: Anna Bódiné Kövecses, Hajnalka Fekete, Géza Nagy Kovács 

Directed by Melinda Papp

Performed byJudit Gusztin as a guest/Barbara Szalai, Melinda Papp, Máté Arató

So now is come our joyful feast, Let every man be jolly; 

Each room with ivy leaves is dressed, And every post with holly.

Though some churls at our mirth repine, Round your foreheads garlands twine, 

Drown sorrow in a cup of wine, And let us all be merry.

The Nativity includes the best-known and most popular Christmas Traditions in Hungary.

During the Advent period of the year 2013, the puppeteers and musicians of Bóbita Puppet Theatre shall conjure the story of the birth of the baby Jesus by telling stories, funny and sublime songs, and a puppet nativity play.

The performance is held at: Chamber hall
Duration of the performance is cc. 40 minutes

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