Képzeld el, hogy kicsi vagy! Ó, még annál is kisebb, mint amekkorának most képzelted magad!
(between 4-10 years)
Képzeld el, hogy kicsi vagy! Ó, még annál is kisebb, mint amekkorának most képzelted magad!
Can golden cabbage grow from the seeds of common garden cabbage?
Mit gondoltok, mi történik, ha megáll az idő? Akkor lép a tettek mezejére Pityi Palkó!
Little Lion is enjoying himself on the savanna until he is teased for being clumsy and slow…
Orphaned Cerceruska and her little sister work for a wicked, tyrannical woman in exchange for food and shelter, but mistreatment makes them run away one day.
Lenka, the chubbier-than-average little girl, is often teased by the children - as is Palkó, the narrower-than-average little boy. Lenka draws her wonderful pictures alone...
The inhabitants of Lower-Upper Birchtreehamshire has been quite alarmed lately.
The sergeant may be in trouble: Torzonborz, the dreaded robber, has escaped from prison again...
The Nativity includes the best-known and most popular Christmas Traditions in Hungary.
It was the eve of Epiphany, and soon it was time to pull down Christmas tree.
Once upon a time there was a poor woman who was so poor indeed that even her mice went begging to her neighbours.