For children aged 4 and older

Adapted to puppet theatre stage after the story of the Grimm brothers by Ildikó Végh

Lyrics by Kornél Laboda

Music by Zoltán Samu Csernák

Choreography by Anikó Juhász

Designed and directed by Rita Kiss Rita (Blattner-award winner)

A bábokat, díszleteket készítette: Bartal Kiss Rita (Blattner Géza-díjas), Bódiné Kövecses Anna, Fekete Hajnalka, Nagy Kovács Géza 

Játsszák: Gusztin Judit m.v. , Matta Lóránt, Arató Máté, Illés Ilona, Papp Melinda, Várnagy Kinga

What does a small shoe found at the palace after the ball represent? 

Well, nothing for the Prince, at least without the lovely little foot it fits on...

Painful big toes and calluses for the wicked and envious sisters…  

Some wrinkles on the forehead of the stepmother...

A royal wedding for the half-orphan Cinderella…

But what about the fairy who tries to help Cinderella find happiness?

Well, he(!) will tell it himself!

Place of the performance: Lajos Kós Hall

Duration of the performance: 50 minutes

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