For children over 5 years of age

Based on a well-known Hungarian folk tale, written and directed by Péter Varsányi
Dramaturgy by Zsuzsa Hajós
Design by Márk Horváth
The puppets and sets were made by: Anna Bódiné Kövecses, Hajnalka Fekete, Géza Nagy Kovács 
Music by Ádám Brandenburg
Performed by Máté Arató, Dániel Czéh, Lóránt Matta, Melinda Papp, Eszter Mag, Hunor Konrád Lenti 

The inhabitants of Lower-Upper Birchtreehamshire has been quite alarmed lately. This has not other reason that the arrival of the infamous King Kacor is looming and this is expected to ruin the peace of their home. However, instead of King Kacor, a harmless domestic cat arrives (whose only desire is to eat a hearty meal at long last), however, this is enough to turn the lives of the forest dwellers upside down.

Place of the performance: Lajos Kós Hall
Duration of the performance: 50 minutes

The performance was realized with to the support of the Human Resources Support Management Agency.

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